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Insurance & Fertility Benefits

Resolve’s Health Insurance 101

Resolve’s Health Insurance 101

  • The Basics
  • Types of Plans Public Insurance and Private Insurance
  • Laws and Mandates – ERISA, State Laws, Mandate to Cover, Mandate to Offer
  • What You Can Do

GENESIS is proud to work with RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association to share information about their Coverage at Work program.

Coverage at Work is a program designed to help you gain new or expanded benefits to help cover the cost of treatment through your employer-provided benefits. Most employers do not realize there is a gap in their benefits plan until it’s brought to their attention.

The Coverage at Work resource hub includes an easy-to-follow toolkit, tips for making a plan and asking for coverage, and additional resources to present your employer. Plus, you’ll get access to one-on-one coaching with the RESOLVE team for any questions you or your employer have along the way.

Hundreds of thousands of employees have already gained new or expanded benefits for family building – you and your coworkers could join them. But it starts with making the ask.

Learn more and download the Coverage at Work Employee toolkit here.

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