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Getting Started

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Please note: Our practice participates in-network with most products of the following commercial insurances: 1199, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Emblem Health GHI CBP/PPO, Emblem Health HIP Prime & Select Care, Empire Government Plan (NYSHIP), Fidelis Essential and Fidelis Metal Plans, Magnacare, Meritain Health, Oscar, Oxford Liberty, Freedom & Metro, United Healthcare / UMR.  Please be aware that we are not Medicaid participating providers and therefore patients with Medicaid-based coverage would be self-pay.

We urge you to contact your insurance plan to be familiar with your fertility coverage so that you know whether or not your plan covers diagnosis and treatment of infertility.  If you would like to speak with someone at GENESIS regarding your coverage or appointment fees, please contact our office at:
718-436-3747 press 8

For more information please see Planning your First Visit.

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