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Celebrating Forty Years of IVF

Can you believe it’s been forty years since Louise Joy Brown, the first ever “test tube baby”, was born? Conceived as a result of in-vitro fertilization, or IVF, baby Louise paved the way for several millions of IVF babies born worldwide after her. In fact, ABC News recently reported that according to a new study, 33 percent of American adults report using fertility treatment or knowing someone who used fertility treatment to have a baby.

first test tube baby

Dr. Richard Grazi and Louise Joy Brown, October 2017

Dr. Richard Grazi, the founder of GENESIS Fertility & Reproductive Medicine recalls fondly ““The thought of becoming a doctor came late to me, actually during my post-high school stint. I never thought about becoming a gynecologist. But I had an epiphany after my first year of medical school, when the first “test tube baby” was born. The birth of this one baby, and how it was accomplished, all seemed so exciting and fresh. It was something new, scientific but very artful, very out-of-the-box. I was interested in both genetics as well as surgery, so it was a good combination.” In October of 2017, Dr Grazi got to meet Louise Brown, the muse for his life’s work, at the ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo.

Dr. Grazi continues, “You must know that [reproductive endocrinology] is far and away the greatest field of medicine. . . Just by virtue of the human drama that we need to deal with every day and how, with God’s help, we create new families, mine is a field unlike any other. While it’s not that often that we get to save a person’s life, we do get to change our patients’ lives. We change the whole psycho-dynamics of the family that hopefully emerges. And that is a difference that is everlasting.”

If you are trying to have a baby and would like to learn more about the options at GENESIS Fertility New York or are ready to schedule an appointmentplease speak with one of our New Patient Specialists at 718-GENESIS (718-436-3747)

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